Sraddhalu Ranade
Sraddhalu Ranade is a scientist, educationist and scholar. He conducts workshops on numerous themes including Integral Education, Management, Self-Development, Indian Culture, Science and Spirituality. He has been involved in various research projects including artificial intelligence based on neural networks, multimedia search and retrieval, and educational tools.
As a corporate trainer, he has worked with large organizations such as the Wardhman Group, Gujrat Ambuja cement, and NALCO. He has also worked closely, across the globe, with special interest groups including management associations, educationalists, lawyers, doctors and scientists. Sraddhalu has been invited to lecture at several Management Institutions such as IIM-Banglore, IIM–Ahmedabad, IIM-Calcutta, Management Development Institute (MDI), Faculty of Management Studies (FMS), Delhi Management Association (DMA), FORE School of Management, and Delhi University, He has also been a guest speaker at scientific and technical institutions such as IIT-Delhi, Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences- New Delhi, SAHA Institute of Nuclear physics. In the last few years, over 4500 teachers from more than 200 schools and colleges all over India have benefited from his intensive teacher-training workshops in Integral and value-based education programs. Sraddhalu has authored a book titled “Introduction to Integral Education” and has contributed to the Hindustan Times, The Advent, Self-Health networker (U.S.A) and Auroville Today. Sraddhalu takes great inspiration from the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and has been associated with Sri Aurobindo Ashram from his childhood. |